Firefox doesn't read from the Windows certificate store. That makes it difficult to manage certificates automatically. Firefox Tools is a package that you can download and compile to interact with the certificate database, among other things. I have compiled them and tested them, and the PKI relevant utilities are available for download as pre-compiled binaries here.
This script will connect to a remote computer and push out the certs specified and mark them as trusted. The certs and utilities mentioned above are assumed to be in the same directory you run the script from.
#Tyler Applebaum 6/27/2014 #Logon script to utilize Mozilla's certutil.exe and internal PKI certificates #Variables $script:RootCA = "Name of your Root CA" $script:IssuingCA = "Name of your Issuing CA" $script:RootCert = "rootpki.cer" #Change this to your root cert name $script:IssuingCert = "InterPKI.cer" #Change this to your intermediate cert name $script:temp = "C:\Users\$env:username\Appdata\Local\Temp" $script:profilepath = "$env:appdata\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles" $script:profiles = @(gci $profilepath -attrib D) $script:scriptDir = Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent $script:Trust = "CT,c,C" function script:Installed { If (Test-Path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"){ $script:Inst = $True } Elseif (Test-Path "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"){ $script:Inst = $True } Else { $script:Inst = $False } } #end Installed function script:AddCert { If ($Inst){ new-item $temp\FirefoxTools -itemtype directory | Out-null cp $scriptDir\*.dll, $scriptDir\*.exe, $scriptDir\*.cer $temp\FirefoxTools foreach ($profile in $profiles){ cp $profilepath\$profile\cert8.db $profilepath\$profile\cert8.db.old #back up existing cert db & "$temp\FirefoxTools\certutil.exe" -A -n $RootCA -i $temp\FirefoxTools\$RootCert -t $Trust -d $profilepath\$profile & "$temp\FirefoxTools\certutil.exe" -A -n $IssuingCA -i $temp\FirefoxTools\$IssuingCert -t $Trust -d $profilepath\$profile } #end foreach del $temp\FirefoxTools } #endif } #end AddCert Installed #Run function AddCert #Run function